SharePoint Online: Monitor Site Collection Storage Usage with PowerShell

Requirement: Monitor SharePoint Online storage metrics and Send Emails on current usage. SharePoint Online: Storage Usage Report using PowerShell By default, SharePoint Online storage management is set to “Automatic,” and all storage allocations are automatically managed from the central pool of storage. However, In your environment, if the storage management option is…

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Monitor SharePoint Web Sites Availability and Send Alert Email using PowerShell

Requirement: Script to monitor SharePoint web sites and trigger an Alert Email when something goes wrong! PowerShell script to Monitor SharePoint Sites: Let’s have PowerShell to monitor our SharePoint web sites and trigger an Email when they go down! Here is the alert Email in action: Schedule this script in Windows task…

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Monitor SharePoint Services (Such as Timer Service) – Send Alert Email When They Goes Down!

In continuation to my post: Monitor SharePoint App Pools using PowerShell Script, If certain Services on SharePoint server goes down, that could cause outages or service interruptions to your SharePoint environment! Although monitoring solutions such as SCOM can monitor services, they can’t start the service automatically – when stopped. So, let’s address…

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Check if a Service Application is Running in SharePoint using PowerShell

If you are a SharePoint administrator, then there may be times when you need to check if a service application is running. In my case, A couple of times, I had to get the service application’s status before performing activities such as: Stop and Starting the service, monitoring the service application’s availability,…

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Application Pool Monitoring for SharePoint using PowerShell Script

If SharePoint Application Pools are stopped that would cause “Service Unavailable” outages to your SharePoint environment! While SCOM can monitor the SharePoint IIS web application’s application pool status, it makes it a bit noisier with alerts and doesn’t start the application pool automatically – when stopped. So, let’s address this issue with…

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Drive Space Monitoring using PowerShell Script

In SharePoint servers monitoring disk space is a common administrator task. Because, SharePoint servers may run out of disk space from SharePoint, IIS Logs, SQL Server transaction logs, or even from SharePoint content (If you don’t have Quotas enabled!) There are a lot of first-party, third-party utilities available, such as SCOM to…

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